Thursday, October 1, 2009

Sex is everywhere!!!!

As a Muslim I have been working on a new concept completely foreign to Americans. Complete, sexual abstinence. I am not just talking about the act, rather anything that has to do with sex. Masturbation, physical contact with the opposite sex of any kind, thoughts, images, and any other way that we allow sex into our lives. This task has been much, much harder than I originally thought. Sex is every where. The news, T.V. shows, music, advertisement, books, art, and even our children are attempting to be sex symbols. This is not only sick, but sad that parents would allow their children to do such things. Many would even encourage it. Have you ever wondered why divorce rates are so high. Or why adultery is so common in our culture. Every where you turn sex is in your face. Sexual abstinence until marriage offers many benefits. For one, adultery rates are so high in my opinion because when you have premarital sex, you are always comparing your husband and wife to former lovers. If they are the perfect person however they fall a little short in bed, you will start seeking this pleasure else where. However when you wed as virgins this is a non issue. You have nothing to compare to, so as far as you know its perfect. You have no reason to seek this pleasure else where. Having sex was the worst thing I have ever done in my life, and I have done some pretty stupid things. Sex not only complicates any relationship, it creates self esteem issues. It creates the thought that if you are not having sex, there must be something wrong with you.

I for one refuse to raise my children is such a place. Once upon a time, this country was a wonderful place. A place of morals and values. Now the only morals and values we have are the ones our actors, and actresses tell us to have. With role models like Brittany Spears, Paris Hilton and all the other whores, what else can we expect. They make it look cool to be used and abused.

To be continued....

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